YouthCARE is WA’s leading provider of pastoral care and values education programs.
For over 45 years, YouthCARE has been a part of creating positive school communities. Students are empowered and encouraged to be the best they can be, and live healthy and happy lives.
We aim to provide hope for young peoples’ futures by helping them achieve their best at school, create positive relationships and contribute to their community.
Together, we are all building a brighter future for WA.
KBCHS Youth Engagement Officer
How do I make an appointment with the Youth Engagement Officer?
Students can either ask student services, a year coordinator or a support officer and request to see the Youth Engagement Officer. Parents may contact KBCHS School and request a call back from them also. Usually appointments 1:1 are booked in however in a crisis the student will be seen immediately.
The school Youth Engagement Officer is able to refer students to outside support services if required, act as an advocate for any student issues or struggles and be available to support family members on request.
Our school Youth Engagement Officer is an integral member of staff and is present for the benefit of assisting students to reach their full potential academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Our school Youth Engagement Officer is trained in:
- Experience in Mandatory Reporting,
- Child Protection and Abuse Prevention
- Mental Health First Aid
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
- ASIST Training in suicide intervention and Gate Keeper Training
Some of the reasons students may see the Youth Engagement Officer or ways they can help may include:
- Peer issues including bullying, hearsay, conflict and interpersonal relationships (age-appropriate).
- Family issues/problems
- Death of person or pet
- Loss – parental separation
- Crisis support and Critical Indicants
- Social Media Issues
- Assistance with staff-student relationships including advocacy for the student
- Mentoring
- Provide a link between school and community – education and support or refer to community services
- Practical help or referral to family in times of need
- Parenting support if required or guidance and referral of outside services
- Advocacy (speak on behalf of student when required)
- Goal setting short and long term
- Career considerations and how the ‘what you do now’ may affect your future
- Anxiety and NSSI
Websites/Help and Numbers for National and Local Services
Police/Fire/Ambulance 000
CAMHS Community Mental Health Team: 08 9088 6201 or 1800 552 002
Kalgoorlie Mental Health
Kalgoorlie Hospital Emergency Department: 08 90080 5888
Headspace Kalgoorlie 08 9021 5599
Kids Helpline 24/7 FREECALL 1800 55 1800
Lifeline Australia FREECALL 13 11 14
Beyond Blue FREECALL 1300 22 4643
Centrecare: Mental Health counselling/accommodation support/ family domestic violence/ dispute resolution/ gambling help/ financial counselling/ carer support/justice counselling/indigenous services/ separation support/ parenting program/ victim support/ youth and family counselling & Workshops.
GOLDFIELDS WOMENS HEALTHCARE CLINIC 15 Dugan St, Kalgoorlie 08 9021 8266
Goldfields Community Alcohol & Drug Services 48 Brookman ST, Kalgoorlie 08 9021 3069
Goldfields Rehabilitation Alcohol/Drug Treatment 08 9091 1922
Kalgoorlie Police Station 9021 9777 or 131444