Technology and Enterprise
Home Economics
Year 7 Food Science
Year 7 is a taster course for students. It involves a basic cookery program and the study of food, nutrition and cookery skills. Students participate in practical cookery and the study of information relating to nutrition for the human body. As an assessment students research, design and produce a simple food product that relates to a healthy eating pattern.
Year 8 Food Science
Students study Lifestyle & Foods in semester one and continue with Lifestyle & Entertaining with Foods in semester two. Practical cookery takes place every week and students study the theory relating to healthy lifestyles and eating with self and others. Students participate in assessments that involve them designing and producing foods from a design brief.
Year 9 Food Science
Students study Foods for Health in semester one and Foods for Social Occasions in semester two. Practical cookery takes place every week and students study the theory relating to healthy eating and social occasions. Students participate in assessments that involve them designing and producing foods from a design brief.
Year 10 Food Science
Students study International Cookery in semester one and Hospitality Studies in semester two. Practical cookery takes place every week. Students have the opportunity to design and produce a new international food product and plan and prepare a two course dinner as their major assessment pieces. In semester two students plan and prepare foods and design pastries or cakes as their assessment pieces.
Year 9/10 Family Studies
Students study the development of a child from birth to early childhood and examine pregnancy, child birth and raising children. Students have the opportunity to participate in taking care of the “electronic baby”. Assessment work in this class is varied with projects focussing on topics such as designing a baby book, textile projects, meals for children, child development, children’s toys and children’s storybooks. The school nurse presents the “Core of Life” program in this course.
Design & Technology
Year 7 & 8
Students have the opportunity to learn the basic concepts associated with workshop practices. They research, design and make products using wood and metal materials.
Year 9 & 10
Students participate in a variety of activities in both theory and practical areas. They work with and make products using wood, metals and plastics. Students also have the opportunity to learn skills associated with technical drawing and graphic designing.
Holmes St Try-a-Trade Centre
Students attending Holmes Street have the opportunity to complete Certificate I in Manufacturing as well as Work Place Learning Mode I.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School continues to work closely with Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines in this program. Students have the opportunity to gain WACE accreditation points and experience a ‘real life’ working environment to better prepare them for their transition into further schooling, traineeships, apprenticeships and employment.